The visual file explorer built for creativity

Find anything, from any service, then make something amazing.

Find anything, from any service, then make something amazing.

Find anything, from any service, then make something amazing.

Find anything, from any service, then make something amazing.

Lens Screenshot
Lens Screenshot
Lens Screenshot
Lens Screenshot

How Lens Works

How Lens Works




Connect your Google Drive, Notion, Slack, Figma, and more

Connect your Google Drive, Notion, Slack, Figma, and more

Connect your Google Drive, Notion, Slack, Figma, and more



Find anything, in natural language (even images, designs, and videos)

Find anything, in natural language (even images, designs, and videos)

Find anything, in natural language (even images, designs, and videos)



Get back to making things

Get back to making things

Get back to making things



Our files are the building blocks we use to make digital things. We take these files and create, share, transform, and share them again. But our files have changed a lot over the years. They used to be .txt’s, static, and in black and white.

But now our files are alive, changing, and updating in real time. They’re rich and visual. They exist in multiple places at the same time, and they’re shared across people, apps, and teams– all around the world. Our files are photos, videos, graphics, fonts, code, variables, data, email attachments, links, screenshots, screen recordings, live streams, and so much more.

Our files are the building blocks of our creative work. 

But as our files evolved, the way we organize and find them has stayed the same. And it’s never worked. We have folders, and folders of folders of folders, with random file names and no order. Everything is in a folder, but at the same time, we don’t know what folder anything is in. Files are everywhere– in the cloud, on our phones and computers, in email attachments, Slacks, Figmas, Notion pages, and Google Docs.

We have messy desktops with files named final_final_revision_3, and we lose hours looking for things we know we have somewhere, but just can’t find.

Our files should empower us to make things. But it feels like they’re holding us back.

So we’re building a new way to organize and find all our files, all our stuff, all our creativity. You can put anything in it, from anywhere. It organizes itself to help you make things, create things, and generate things. It makes finding things second nature. And it learns over time, to anticipate what you want, to find what you’re looking for, and even things you weren’t.

Our files are the building blocks we use to make digital things. We take these files and create, share, transform, and share them again. But our files have changed a lot over the years. They used to be .txt’s, static, and in black and white.

But now our files are alive, changing, and updating in real time. They’re rich and visual. They exist in multiple places at the same time, and they’re shared across people, apps, and teams– all around the world. Our files are photos, videos, graphics, fonts, code, variables, data, email attachments, links, screenshots, screen recordings, live streams, and so much more.

Our files are the building blocks of our creative work. 

But as our files evolved, the way we organize and find them has stayed the same. And it’s never worked. We have folders, and folders of folders of folders, with random file names and no order. Everything is in a folder, but at the same time, we don’t know what folder anything is in. Files are everywhere– in the cloud, on our phones and computers, in email attachments, Slacks, Figmas, Notion pages, and Google Docs.

We have messy desktops with files named final_final_revision_3, and we lose hours looking for things we know we have somewhere, but just can’t find.

Our files should empower us to make things. But it feels like they’re holding us back.

So we’re building a new way to organize and find all our files, all our stuff, all our creativity. You can put anything in it, from anywhere. It organizes itself to help you make things, create things, and generate things. It makes finding things second nature. And it learns over time, to anticipate what you want, to find what you’re looking for, and even things you weren’t.

We’re building tools to help creatives spend more time making things. 

If that sounds interesting, say hello, or sign up for our private beta.

We’re building tools to help creatives spend more time making things. 

If that sounds interesting, say hello, or sign up for our private beta.

© 2023 Lens. All rights reserved.

© 2023 Lens. All rights reserved.